About Us
The CyberBRICS project has a triple aim: to map existing regulations; to identify good practices and develop policy suggestions in the areas of i) cybersecurity and personal data regulations; ii) connectivity and digital transformation; and iii) artificial intelligence governance and industrial policy in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).
The project is hosted by the CTS-FGV, the Center for Technology and Society at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, Rio de Janeiro, and developed in partnership with the Higher School of Economics, Moscow; Jindal Global Law School and the Centre for Internet and Society, India; the Fudan University, Shanghai, and the Hong Kong University; and the Nelson Mandela University and Research ICT Africa, South Africa.
The project stems from the consideration that, over the next decade, projected Internet growth is expected to occur predominantly in Asia, Latin America and Africa and, particularly, in BRICS countries. The next billion users, together with the innovation and data they will produce and the policy they will need, will likely come from the BRICS. In light of this consideration, BRICS countries are increasing their cooperation in the fields of science and technology and promoting synergies with regard to digital policies.
As stressed by the BRICS leaders themselves: “Information and communications technologies provide citizens with new tools for the effective functioning of economy, society and state […] and the use and development of ICTs through international cooperation and universally accepted norms and principles of international law is of paramount importance in order to ensure a peaceful, secure and open digital and Internet space.”
While the expansion of connectivity and the rise of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) have generated opportunities for individuals and businesses, they also pose a number of challenges, with particular regard to the regulation of personal data and cybersecurity governance.
CyberBRICS aims at offering answers to such challenges, providing valuable – and so far inexistent – insights on BRICS digital policies, based on rigorously collected evidence that can be used by researchers, regulators and businesses alike.
The members of the CyberBRICS Advisory Board offer advice and guidance regarding the development of the CyberBRICS research and suggest stakeholders to be included in the CyberBRICS network.
CyberBRICS Advisory Board

Benedicto Fonseca Filho
Ambassador, Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Elonnai Hickok
Chief Operating Officer, Centre for Internet and Society
CyberBRICS Associated Scholars
Alexandre Veronese
University of Brasilia (UnB)
Barrie Sander
FGV School of International Relations
John Selby
Macquarie University
Yong Liu
Hebei Academy of Social Sciences
Nicholas Martin
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institute for Information Infrastructure
If you conduct research on data protection or cybersecurity in at least one of the BRICS countries and would like to join the CyberBRICS Associated Scholars, please send a request including your CV via email.