PhD and Master in Civil Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Professor of Civil Law at FGV Direito Rio. Guest professor of postgraduate and extension courses at institutions such as: University of Coimbra, CEPED-UERJ, FGV/RJ, ITS-Rio, PUC-Rio, PUC-PR, IERBB-MP/RJ, EMERJ, ESA-OAB/RJ, ESA-OAB/RS, National School of Law, Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), Foundation School of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rio Grande do Sul, ESMEG, SKEMA, CERS, CEDIN, IGD, EBRADI, CPJUR, Verbo Jurídico, Instituto New Law and Curso Trevo. Member of the Brazilian Institute for Studies on Civil Liability (IBERC), the Brazilian Institute of Family Law (IBDFAM), the Brazilian Association for Public Governance of Personal Data (govDADOS) and the Data Protection and Privacy Commission of the OAB-RJ, where he is the Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence Coordinator, having also been a member of the Senate’s Jurists’ Commission responsible for the creation of the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Law. He was a Substitute Professor of Civil Law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in addition to being one of the Brazilian speakers at the event Artificial Intelligence for Information Accessibility, held by UNESCO’s Information for All Programme in 2021. Lawyer and researcher. Author of the book: “Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability: autonomy, risks and solidarity”.