CyberBRICS Researcher. Researcher at CTS-FGV, and Masters candidate in Theory of the State and Constitutional Law at PUC-Rio, where she’s also part of the Editorial Committee of the “Direito, Estado e Sociedade” Journal, acting as assisting editor. Her research aims to comprehend the Policies for Digital Transformation of Education from the proposals of Paulo Freire. Lawyer, working with data protection and privacy.
Filipe Medon
PhD and Master in Civil Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Professor of Civil Law at FGV Direito Rio. Guest professor of postgraduate and extension courses at institutions such as: University of Coimbra, CEPED-UERJ, FGV/RJ, ITS-Rio, PUC-Rio, PUC-PR, IERBB-MP/RJ, EMERJ, ESA-OAB/RJ, ESA-OAB/RS, National School of Law, Brazilian Institute of Education, Development … Read more