Webinar | Meaningful Connectivity in the G20

New event April 26th 11:00 BRT (GMT -3) We are pleased to announce the webinar “Meaningful Connectivity in the G20” that will take place on 26 April, 11:00 (GMT-3). The webinar is an official event of T20, the G20 think tank group. This event is part of a series of webinars on Digital Policies in … Read more

webinar: “AI Governance in the G20”

New event 23 February from 10:00 to 12:00 BRT (GMT-3). We are pleased to announce the webinar “AI Governance in the G20” that will take place on 23 February from 10:00 to 12:00 BRT (GMT-3). This event is part of a series of webinars on Digital Policies in the G20 jointly organised by CTS-FGV, and … Read more

EU-Brazil Dialogue on AI and Data Empowerment laws

New event December 1st l 14:00 EST We are pleased to announce the event “EU-Brazil Dialogue on AI and Data Empowerment laws” A roundtable that will reflect on the social and regulatory challenges brought about by the increased use and sophistication of artificial intelligence technologies and, in particular, generative AI applications based on high-dimensional language … Read more

2nd BRICS + Digital Competition Forum

16 – 17 November 2023 – Rio de Janeiro, Praia de Botafogo 190 (FGV Law School) and via Zoom The 2nd BRICS+ Digital Competition Forum is a collaborative event focused on key competition issues related to the digital economy. The Forum aims to address challenges, share insights and promote cooperation between BRICS jurisdictions. The opportunity … Read more

Webinar: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: understanding Global Developments

The technologies we use daily, and we are adopting to foster “digital transformation” can be misused for highly unethical purposes and can present considerable vulnerabilities threatening cybersecurity. This webinar explores recent cybersecurity and cybercrime developments, to understand how existing initiatives can help coping with cyberthreats. Panellists discussed: • How can technology be misused to threaten … Read more

Seminário: A Construção do Marco Regulatório da Inteligência Artificial no Brasil

No dia 17/04/2023, nosso Diretor Luca Belli, nossa pesquisadora Nina da Hora e a Professora Visitante do CTS-FGV Bianca Kremer participaram do Seminário “A construção do marco regulatório da Inteligência Artificial no Brasil”, organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Judiciários do Conselho da Justiça Federal (CEJ/CJF) e o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) em Brasília. O … Read more

Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty: A New Path for Brazil

This event will address cybersecurity in its various dimensions and will stress its connection with the emerging digital sovereignty debate. As cyberattacks grow exponentially in both number and breath, cybersecurity has become a general concern for literally every citizen, business, public administration, and decision-maker. At the same, cybersecurity discussion are increasingly intertwined with digital sovereignty … Read more

UNESCO Internet For Trust Side-Event: Exploring the Potential and Challenges of Generative AI and impact on Regulating AI and Online Platforms

Recent developments in Generative AI systems have sparked a global conversation about the capabilities and limitations of generative AI technology. These systems have been in the spotlight for their ability to generate human-like text, images, design, and even code, highlighting the tremendous potential of this technology. However, they have also raised concerns about ownership, transparency, … Read more

EU-Brazil Conference on AI Governance and Regulation

This international event aims at exploring challenges and opportunities regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance and regulation at a time when both the European Union and Brazil are elaborating legislative proposals to regulate comprehensively AI. Participants will explore the latest development in Artificial Intelligence policymaking offering their perspectives and highlighting intersections between AI and key areas … Read more

BRICS-plus Digital Competition Forum

The 1st BRICS+ Digital Competition Forum took place in Rio de Janeiro, on 24 and 25 November 2022. The Forum brought together the BRICS Digital Working Group, which held its 6th meeting, while opening an opportunity of participation for competition authorities of BRICS candidate countries (Argentina, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) and for local academics and … Read more

CyberBRICS at IGF 2022

The 17th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will take place between November 28th and December 2nd, 2022 in Ethiopia in a hybrid format. Members of the CyberBRICS Team will participate in 6 panels to debate this year’s theme: “Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future”. The meeting programme is guided … Read more

Webinar – 5G Regulation: Standards, Surveillance and Ideology

On Friday, November 18th, the Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV) and the CyberBRICS Project will host the webinar “5G Regulation: Standards, Surveillance, and Ideology” at 11 AM (Rio Time). The event will be moderated by CyberBRICS Director, Luca Belli, and will count with CTS-FGV Visiting Professor Niels ten Oever and ANATEL Telecommunications Regulation Specialist … Read more

World Internet Conference – Wuzhen Summit 2022

The CyberBRICS Team attended the 2022 edition of the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit (WIC Wuzhen). This year, besides participating in two sessions, our team will also publish two papers in the Conference’s Outcome Report. On Wednesday, November 9, CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli attended the “Bridging the Digital Divide” Forum, organized by the China Federation … Read more

MyData Online 2022 Conference – Data Governance from the Global South

Exchange of knowledge about developments relating to data architectures in the BRICS countries is essential to furthering this cooperation. This session is organised by the Center for Technology and Society at FGV and the CyberBRICS Project at FGV Law School, to create a space for the exchange of information about the evolving data governance models … Read more

Governing Conversations: Interoperability

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

Regulación E IA

 On August 30th, 2022, CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli participated as a speaker in the webinar “Regulación en IA” (Regulation in AI), organized by the Latin American Initiative on Open Data (ILDA). Presenting the Brazilian approach, Belli pointed out that AI is being used not only for e-commerce, but also for facial recognition technologies and access … Read more

Data Governance in the Context of Emerging Technologies: Promoting Human-Centred and Development-Oriented Societies

The importance of data is paramount, not only for promoting innovation, but also for better policymaking and long-term development. Data has become a cornerstone for the digital economy and a strategic asset for promoting the vision of a people-centred and development-oriented ecosystem, set forth by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). In particular, data availability and … Read more

Governing Conversations: BRICS & Cybersecurity

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

Governing Conversations: Cybersecurity in the Global South

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

CPDP LatAm 2022

CPDP LatAm 2022 was dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection in Latin America“. In its second edition, the Conference was held in a hybrid format on 12 and 13 of July, at FGV in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. You can check the full Programme here. CPDP Latam is the Latin American platform to discuss privacy, data … Read more

Digital BRICS Forum 2022

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China will host the 2022 Digital BRICS Forum, which will be held in a hybrid format on 7 July 2022. In September 2018, the 4th BRICS Communications Ministers Meeting decided to establish the Digital BRICS Task Force (DBTF) under the ICT Cooperation Working … Read more

The Race to Regulate AI: Global Comparative Perspectives

As AI systems are quickly becoming ubiquitous, so are the regulatory challenges: across the world, new models have begun to emerge at national, regional, and international levels. There is general consensus that existing instruments are insufficient, potentially even inadequate, to deal with the myriad challenges this development poses — but also considerable divergence on what … Read more

Closing the Gap 2022

CyberBRICS and the Center for Technology and Society at FGV are partners of the Closing the Gap 2022. In 2022, EU Cyber Direct – EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative joins forces with the Belgian Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs and numerous research institutions and civil society organisations around the world to organize the second edition of … Read more

RightsCon 2022: “Smart cities or surveillance cities? Untangling urban intelligence” Panel

June 6, 2022 | 13h-14g (GMT-03) The “Smart City” formula has gained traction in academia, business and government to describe cities that, on the one hand, are increasingly composed of and monitored by pervasive and ubiquitous computing and, on the other, are striving to restructure their economy and governance based on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. … Read more

Promoting Brics economic integration via Central Bank Digital Currencies

​ CONFERENCE SYNOPSIS The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent economic crisis have altered global trade. One of the profound changes has been the shift towards digital payments. With this shift, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are rapidly gaining ground, with all BRICS nations in the process of researching or adopting such options. The CBDC offers great … Read more

UN Event On Bridging Digital Divides

On Thursday, 17 March, Luca Belli (CyberBRICS Director) participated as a speaker at the Side-Event of the UN’s 49th Session of the Human Rights Council – “Eliminate the Global Digital Divide and Safeguarding Human Rights”. Belli approached the development of community networks as alternative Internet access models and highlighted their important role in bridging the … Read more

Artificial Intelligence, Global Differences and Inequalities

CyberBRICS Research Fellow Smriti Parsheera participated to the event on “Artificial Intelligence, Global Differences and Inequalities: Challenges and Responsibilities for Researchers and Innovators,” organised by the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility and the global RRING Community. This multistakeholder event analysed what challenges and responsibilities arise from the development and use of AI in a … Read more

CyberBRICS director participates in public hearing on artificial intelligence

Professor Luca Belli

Luca Belli (CyberBRICS Director), Ivar Hartmann (CyberBRICS Associated Scholar) and a team of researchers were invited to participate in the public hearings of the Commission of Jurists of the Federal Senate responsible for supporting the elaboration of a substitute on Artificial Intelligence. Luca Belli presented the Chinese approach to AI, based on the CyberBRICS comparative … Read more

Luca Belli attends UN event on digital divides

On Thursday, March 17, Luca Belli (CyberBRICS Director) participated as a speaker at the Side-Event of the UN’s 49th Session of the Human Rights Council – “Eliminate the Global Digital Divide and Safeguarding Human Rights”. Belli approached the development of community networks as alternative Internet access models and highlighted their important role in bridging the … Read more

CyberBRICS at IGF 2021

The 16th annual IGF meeting will be hosted by the Government of Poland in Katowice from 6-10 December, under the overarching theme: Internet United. The IGF 2021 hybrid process, develops around the issue areas and features a preparatory and engagement phase which includes build-up sessions on the IGF 2021’s issue areas, development of the intersessional work as well as a series of capacity development … Read more

Webinar (in portuguese): Segurança Cibernética e a Cooperação internacional do brasil

 A inclusão digital segura é um grande desafio para todos os países, especialmente na recuperação do pós-covid 19. O Brasil vem atuando em diversos fóruns internacionais que visam a cooperação e o compartilhamento de regulamentações e práticas nacionais. O evento pretende reunir especialistas e autoridades governamentais para discutir alguns dos aspectos especialmente relacionados à segurança … Read more

Data architectures in the BRICS countries

November 05, 20216:00 PM—7:30 PM IST (UTC+05:30)Zoom Webinar At the 13th BRICS Summit hosted by India in September 2021, the five BRICS members—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—reiterated their commitment to prioritize the effective and efficient use of technology and data for development. They agreed to encourage further cooperation on these fronts, including by … Read more

Digital Silk Road and its role in the China-Brazil Relation

This post provides a report of the webinar “Digital Silk Road as a promoter of closer people to people ties” that took place on October 22 as part of the 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue. Sofia Chang, CyberBRICS researcher at CTS-FGV, moderated the session, joined by Fred Arruda (C.E.S.A.R. institute), Shen Yi (Fudan University), Lin Baihe (China Mobile International Brazil) and In Hsieh (Chinnovation).

4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”

From 18 to 22 October, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School will host its 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”. The event will aim at deepening the discussions on the New Silk Road and mapping the relations between China and Brazil. The event will count with the participation … Read more

PrivacyNama 2021: CyberBRICS Panel on “Impact of privacy legislation on the openness of the Internet”

We are getting ready for the first edition of MediaNama’s flagship conference, PrivacyNama 2021. Split over two days, October 6 and 7, we have a stellar lineup of International and Indian speakers, including Data Protection Commissioners and Chief Privacy Officers.  We’ll focus on the following key themes related to privacy and global data governance issues: Privacy … Read more

WIC Wuzhen Summit: High-Level Think Tank Forum

The 2021 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit is scheduled to take place from 26 to 28, September 2021 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province. Themed as “Towards a New Era of Digital Civilization – Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace,” the Wuzhen Summit will be held both online and offline this year. The International High-level … Read more

Call for Applications | CyberBRICS Fellowship Programme 2022

Logo: CyberBRICS | by Britto.Design

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS  Fellows in Rio  CyberBRICS Fellowship Programme  Hosted by FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School – FGV DIREITO RIO  Deadline for applications: 10 November 2021 Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) is a world-renowned institution of research and quality education. In 2018, FGV was deemed as one of the top 10 think tanks in the … Read more

BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Roundtable

The BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Conference will take place on 15 July 2021, at 15h/3PM (BRT). The Summit will take place entirely online, during CPDP LatAm which is the Latin-American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference. Check the full program here. This session will discuss some of the studies submitted to the CyberBRICS call for … Read more

Second EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation

At the time of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the “Second EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation: Connectivity and New Digital Infrastructures” aims at identifying areas for stakeholder cooperation between the EU and Brazil, regarding digital trade and emerging technologies. Participants will explore key issues such as new digital infrastructures, 5G, the Internet of Things and its applications, … Read more

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS Countries

May 14th | 10h – 12h (BRT) This upcoming webinar will bring together guest speakers and CyberBRICS scholars and fellows to debate the most recent developments in Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. If you’d like to check out past CyberBRICS webinars, take a look at our YouTube channel. The … Read more

The Digital State Conference / Conférence L’État Digital

Digital State Conference | Conférénce L'État Digital

Conférence en ligne organisée par le Centre de droit public comparé de l’Université Paris 2 et le Centre de Technologie et Société de l’École de Droit de la Fondation Getulio Vargas * Interventions données en anglais [times are in GMT+1] Lundi 22 mars 13h00 | Ouverture: Sérgio Guerra, Doyen de l’École de Droit de Fondation Getulio … Read more

First EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation

Watch the full event recording: At the time of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the webinar aims at identifying areas for cooperation between the EU and Brazil, regarding digital trade and emerging technologies. Participants will explore key issues such as new digital infrastructures, 5G, cybersecurity, personal data protection, data-driven technologies, the … Read more

Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries Webinar

This webinar explored some key features of the Cybersecurity frameworks of the BRICS countries, their visions of digital sovereignty and the role of the BRICS grouping in fostering an alternative way of tackling such issues. The webinar also were the occasion to launch the book “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity Regulations in the BRICS Countries” (Springer-Nature, 2021), which … Read more

BRICS Digital Policies: Digital Governance Webinar

The BRICS Digital Policies Update brings together CyberBRICS scholars and fellows to debate the most recent updates on Digital Policies in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries.This third edition of the update will revolve around digital governance following three recent and important events – the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, the … Read more

Resumo do CyberBRICS no Internet Governance Forum 2020

A 15ª edição do Encontro Anual do Internet Governance Forum, organizado pela ONU, teve seu início na última semana. Por conta da pandemia de COVID-19, o evento está ocorrendo de forma totalmente on-line, desenvolvendo-se em torno de quatro nichos principais: dados, meio ambiente, inclusão e confiança. Os pré-eventos do IGF 2020, incluindo sessões para iniciantes, … Read more

Internet Governance Forum Summary 2020

In early November, the 15th edition of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), took place entirely online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The IGF agenda was structured  around four main themes: data, environment, inclusion and trust. The CyberBRICS team members participated to the development of two outcome documents of the IGF 2020 and spoke … Read more

Internet Commons Forum 2020

The Internet Commons Forum will take place during the UN Internet Governance Forum, on Wednesday, 4 November, 2020, from 16:00 to 17:40 (UTC). To participate, please register to the UN Internet Governance Forum and add the ICF to your personal calendar using the link on the top right corner of this page. The Internet Commons Forum (ICF) is jointly organised by FGV, … Read more

CyberBRICS at IGF 2020

The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the United Nations, under the overarching theme Internet for human resilience and solidarity. Due to the pandemic, the full event will take place online. The programme develops around the four main thematic tracks: (1) Data; (2) Environment; (3) Inclusion; (4) Trust. … Read more

BRICS Digital Policies: Data Governance Update Webinar

The BRICS Digital Policies webinar is organized by the CyberBRICS project ( It brings together CyberBRICS Associate Scholars and Research Fellows to discuss relevant developments regarding digital policies in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. The project analyses in particular the areas of cybersecurity, data protection, Internet access and digital infrastructures, … Read more

United Nations Internet Governance Forum Webinar

IGF intersessional work now and in the future: Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions. On September 23, at 12:00 (Universal Time UTC), will happen the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Webinar. Our Director Professor Luca Belli will join the debate on “IGF Strategy and strengthening in 2020”. You’re invited to join the Zoom meeting: … Read more

Cybersecurity Perspectives in the Current and the Post-Pandemic Context Webinar

On August 25, the Cyber​​Security Perspectives in the Current and in the Post-Pandemic Context Webinar took place, organized by IPEA (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, in portuguese). The event was attended by Luca Belli (CyberBRICS Coordinator). The material used in the presentation will be available at the end of this publication. Check the complete schedule:August … Read more

Webinar Perspectivas da Segurança Cibernética no Contexto Atual e na Pós-pandemia

No dia 25 de agosto, ocorreu o Webinar Perspectivas da Segurança Cibernética no Contexto Atual e na Pós-pandemia, organizado pelo IPEA (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada). O evento contou com a participação de Luca Belli (Coordenador CyberBRICS). O material utilizado na apresentação estará disponibilizado ao final dessa publicação. Confira a programação completa: 25/08, 15h às … Read more

BRICS Digital Policies Webinar

On September 10th at 10AM (GMT-3 / Rio Time), the first BRICS Digital Policies Webinar will take place on-line. The main topics discussed by participants include cybersecurity, fake news, digital yuan, LGPD (Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation).The event will be attended by CyberBRICS Coordinator Luca Belli and CyberBRICS Fellows Aaron Martin, Larissa Magalhães, Senka Hadzic, … Read more

Seminário On-line Sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19

No dia 21 de julho ocorreu o Seminário Webinar sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19, que contou com as participações de Luca Belli (Diretor do CyberBRICS e Professor da da FGV Direito Rio), Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski (Presidente do Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais e Membro do Board do CyberBRICS), Thomas Law (Presidente da Ibrachina), Cassio … Read more

DataGovHub Webinar: What Can we Learn From Brazil and China’s Approach to Personal Data Protection?

The Digital Trade & Data Governance Hub’s fifth webinar took place on 15 May 2020 and featured Luca Belli (Ph.D.) Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he heads the CyberBRICS project and Min Jiang (Ph.D.) Associate Professor of Communication at UNC Charlotte, … Read more

CPDP 2020: watch the session “Data Protection Regulators in the BRICS”

From the 22nd to the 24th of January, the 13th Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) took place in Brussels, Belgium. The CPDP is a non-profit platform was founded in 2007 by research groups from the Vrije University in Brussels, the University of Namur and the University of Tilburg. As a world-leading multidisciplinary … Read more

CPDP 2020: confira a sessão “Data Protection Regulators in the BRICS”

Entre os dias 22 e 24 de janeiro, ocorreu a 13ª Computers, Privacy e Data Protection conference (CPDP) em Bruxelas, na Bélgica. A CPDP é uma plataforma sem fins lucrativos fundada originalmente em 2007 por grupos de pesquisa da Universidade Vrije de Bruxelas, da Universidade de Namur e da Universidade de Tilburg. A conferência tem … Read more


CPDP LatAm is the Latin-American platform to discuss privacy, data protection and technology. It includes the Latin-American edition of Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference, the MyData conference, and Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC). Due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, the 1st CPDP Latam has been postponed and will take place on June 2021 in Rio de … Read more

CyberBRICS Session at 13th CPDP Conference

CPDP Conference 2020

Data Protection Regulations in the BRICS On 23 January, at 16:00 Brussels time, the CyberBRICS project will organize the session Data Protection Regulations in the BRICS, at the Computer Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference. The session will offer the occasion to release the BRICS Data Protection Map, together with pre-book-launch brochure of CyberBRICS: Mapping … Read more

Internet Governance Forum 2019 Summary

On November 25-29, the Internet Governance Forum 2019 was held in Berlin, Germany, bringing together multiple stakeholders to discuss public policies and digital rights. Professor Luca Belli, coordinator of CyberBRICS Project, Ivar Hartmann, coordinator at Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS/FGV) and Yasmin Curzi, researcher at CTS/FGV attended several sessions, sharing their opinions and discussing the latest results of their research.  The CyberBRICS Twitter Account (@BricsCyber) was recognised as one … Read more

China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

On December 10th, FGV Law School (DIREITO RIO) and the CyberBRICS project organized the first  “China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar” in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event was attended by the Chinese Vice Minister of Cyberspace, Mr. Sheng Ronghua, and the chairman of the … Read more

Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

No dia 10 de dezembro, foi realizado na FGV Direito Rio o Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet, em parceria com a Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) e da Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). O evento, organizado no âmbito do projeto CyberBRICS, contou com a presença de importantes palestrantes, como o vice-ministro chinês de … Read more

[Evento] Seminário Sino-Brasileiro sobre Governança na Internet

A Escola de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e o projeto CyberBRICS convidam para o seminário sino-brasileiro sobre governança na Internet, que ocorrerá na terça-feira, dia 10 de dezembro, e será organizado em parceria com a Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) e da Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). No evento serão abordados temas sobre … Read more

[Event] China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS Project invite to the China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar, organized in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event will take place on Tuesday, December 10th, and will discuss Internet regulation, cybersecurity … Read more

[Evento] III Seminário do BRICS sobre Governança 2019

Na segunda-feira, dia 28/10, ocorreu no Rio de Janeiro o III Seminário do BRICS sobre Governança, com tema Innovative Governance for Economic Growth in the New Era. O evento, exclusivo para 200 convidados, foi organizado pela ACCWS (China), FGV Direito Rio e o CEM-FGV e teve como anfitriões o Ministério da Economia do Brasil/SECEX e … Read more

[Event] BRICS Think Tank International Symposium

On September 13, 2019, Professor Luca Belli participated to the 2019 BRICS Think Tank International Symposium, organized by the China Council for BRICS Think-tank Cooperation, the Center for BRICS Studies, FDDI, Fudan University and the São Paulo State University. Luca Belli discussed Personal Data Regulations in the BRICS countries, based on the early findings of … Read more

[Event] Internet Commons Forum

The Internet Governance Forum 2019 (IGF) is going to happen in Berlin, Germany, on Nov 25-29, bringing together multiple stakeholders to discuss public policies and digital rights. One of our six sessions will be about the Internet Commons Forum, which is going to happen on the Pre-Event on November 25 at 15:40. The Internet Commons … Read more

[Event] 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS project invite to the event 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS. The meeting brings together members of the government and business sectors, researchers and experts to discuss key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of digital infrastructures, as well … Read more

Seminário CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

No dia 04/06 realizamos o evento “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. O evento buscou promover respostas aos desafios relacionados à regulamentação de dados pessoais e à governança de cibersegurança, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre as políticas digitais do BRICS, que possam ser usados por pesquisadores, reguladores e empresas. Foi possível … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies. It was … Read more

CyberBRICS: challenges and opportunities for data protection in the BRICS


BRICS are developing or enacting data protection frameworks that will soon affect almost 50% of the world’s population and almost 40% of existing Internet users, who live in the BRICS. This panel discussion analysed the advancements and challenges regarding the most recent privacy and data protection developments in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and … Read more

CyberBRICS: Building the Next Generation Internet, STEP by Step

The 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place between 18 and 21 December 2017 at the United Nations Office at Geneva

This workshop of the UN Internet Governance Forum 2017 was the inception meeting of the CyberBRICS project, gathering key stakeholders, including representatives of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Telecommunications, to discuss digital policy trends and priorities in the BRICS. Data protection and cybersecurity, which are the current focus of … Read more