At the time of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the “Second EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation: Connectivity and New Digital Infrastructures” aims at identifying areas for stakeholder cooperation between the EU and Brazil, regarding digital trade and emerging technologies. Participants will explore key issues such as new digital infrastructures, 5G, the Internet of Things and its applications, and new connectivity models. The agenda of this webinar has been crafted based on the outcomes of the First EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation, held in March 2021, aimed at tackling digital cooperation and understanding how digital trade may be fostered more straightforwardly. The event is being organized by FGV and EUBrasil.
We remind all speakers that the Zoom link will be sent to you automatically one day prior to the event. We kindly ask you to connect at least 15 minutes in advance on the day of the event so our team may ensure that there are no connection or technical issues.
EU- Brazil cooperation on Connectivity and New Digital Infrastructures:
Goret Pereira Paulo, Directress, FGV Office of Research and Innovation
Carlos Oliveira, Minister Counselor for Digital Market, Delegation of the European Union to Brazil
Filipe Batista, Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU
Luigi Gambardella, President EUBrasil
Luca Belli, Professor FGV Law School, Coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society at FGV
Connecting Latin America and Europe – Ellalink and Beyond:
Philippe Dumont, CEO, Ellalink
Nathalia Foditsch, Senior Specialist, Alliance for Affordable Internet
Eduardo Grizendi, Director, Rede Nacional de Pesquisa
Moacyr Martucci, Professor, São Paulo University, Polytechnic School
EU-Brazil – Connecting People and Things:
Stefano Lorenzi, Executive Chairman, Ufinet
Bernard Barani, Deputy Head of Unit at DG CONNECT
Jacqueline Lopes, Directress of Institutional Relations LATAM South, Ericsson
Beatriz Sannuti, Head of the Digital Access Programme, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Adriana Labardini, Coordinator of the Brazil Community Network Project, APC + Anatel + UK Consulate
Luigi Gambardella, President EUBrasil
Luca Belli, Professor FGV Law School, Coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society at FGV