WIC Wuzhen Summit: High-Level Think Tank Forum

The 2021 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit is scheduled to take place from 26 to 28, September 2021 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province. Themed as “Towards a New Era of Digital Civilization – Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace,” the Wuzhen Summit will be held both online and offline this year.

The International High-level Think Tank Forum on the Internet will be organized by Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies, University of Edinburgh, WIDE Project and Centre for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV).

The 2021 Think Tank Forum is themed as “Global Landscape and Order in the Digital Era“. The forum will invite renowned experts and high-level representatives from global think tanks, research institutes, and international organizations to discuss and share ideas on topics of global concern in the post-COVID-19 world, including opportunities and challenges brought by emerging technologies such as AI and 5G, international landscape and order in the digital era as well as role of think tanks in the global cooperation and rules making on global digital governance.

According to the arrangement of the World Internet Conference Organizing Committee, the Think Tank Forum is scheduled to be held on 6AM – 9AM 27 September (UTC time). Visit the website of Online Conference Video System to watch the live streaming of some sub-forums and important events by logging in with your email address.


Opening address
High-level representative of Cyberspace Administration of China

Keynote speech
Topic 1: Global Landscape and Role of Think Tanks in the Digital Era
Session moderators:

  • Li Yuxiao, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies
  • David Robertson, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh


  • Jiang Xiaojuan, Standing Committee Member of the National People’s Congress, Professor and Dean of the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University
  • John Allen, President, The Brookings Institution
  • Xiong Chengyu, Professor and Director of National Cultural Industry Research Center, Tsinghua University
  • Jun Murai, Professor of Keio University, Founder of WIDE Project
  • David Blair, Center for China and Globalization, Vice-president and Senior Economist
  • Luca Belli, Director of CyberBRICS, Professor of Internet Governance, Fundação Getúlio Vargas
  • Chen Wenling, Chief Economist, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
  • Frederick Douzet, Director of GEODE, Paris 8 University; Commissioner, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
  • Alexander Kallweit, Resident Representative for China, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • Oleg Abdurashitov, Head of CEO Office, Kaspersky
  • Donatien Niyonzima, Former Official Gazette Editor, Office of the Prime Minister, Rwanda; Research Associate, Africa Communication Research Center, Communication University of China
  • Jasna Plevnik, President of the Geoeconomic Forum, Croatia

Topic 2: Global Cooperation and Role of Think Tanks in the Post-COVID-19 World

Session moderators:

  • Li Yuxiao, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies
  • Jun Murai, Professor of Keio University, Founder of WIDE Project


  • Gong Ke, President-elect, World Federation of Engineering Organizations; Executive Director, Chinese Institute of the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategies
  • David Robertson, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh
  • Xue Lan, Cheung Kong Chair Professor of Public Policy and Management, Dean of Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University
  • Cheng Li, Director and Senior Fellow, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings
  • Li Xiaodong, Director, Fuxi Institution
  • Koh King Kee, President, Centre for New Inclusive Asia
  • Michele Genovese, Chairman, International Joint Initiatives Belgium
  • Shen Yi, Director, Center of Cyberspace Governance Studies, Fudan University
  • Ayad Al-Ani, Associated Member, Einstein Center Digital Future


Concluding remarks:

  • Xia Xueping, President, Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies

Access the full agenda.