CPDP 2020: watch the session “Data Protection Regulators in the BRICS”

From the 22nd to the 24th of January, the 13th Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) took place in Brussels, Belgium.

The CPDP is a non-profit platform was founded in 2007 by research groups from the Vrije University in Brussels, the University of Namur and the University of Tilburg. As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference, the CPDP offers a vanguard in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection, bringing together once a year academics, lawyers, professionals, policy makers, industry and civil society from all around the world in Brussels.

During the second day of the event, the panel “Data Protection Regulators in the BRICS”, organized by FGV Direito Rio, took place. The session was attended by Luca Belli, coordinator of the CyberBRICS Project, Andrey Shcherbovich and Anja Kovacs, fellows of the project, in addition to Bruno Gencarelli (DG JUST/EU) and Siwze Snail Ka Mtuze (Information Regulator South Africa). The mediation was made by Danilo Doneda, member of the National Data Protection Council of the Brazilian Federation.

Below you will find the summary and a complete recording of the session:

Panel Description

Even if data protection legal frameworks are quickly spreading (at least 130 countries have general legislation already enacted) and some principles and instruments seem likely to become international standards, their implementation has regional peculiarities and adequacies that should be taken into account. In BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -, the very implementation of data protection legal frameworks followed very specific dynamics. In some countries implementation is not yet completed, in others it has very distinctive characteristics and, generally speaking, both statements are true. Considering the prominent nature of the regulators in this field (the DPA, or Data Protection Authority) and their centrality to the enforcement of the legislation and to international harmonization, this panel focuses on the structure, characteristics and experiences of the DPAs or other enforcement mechanisms in BRICS countries, looking to identify and emphasize their nature and foster knowledge on their work.

Full video:

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