Data architectures in the BRICS countries

November 05, 2021
6:00 PM—7:30 PM IST (UTC+05:30)
Zoom Webinar

At the 13th BRICS Summit hosted by India in September 2021, the five BRICS members—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—reiterated their commitment to prioritize the effective and efficient use of technology and data for development. They agreed to encourage further cooperation on these fronts, including by “respecting the right to privacy of individuals”.

Exchange of knowledge and good practices about the development of data architectures in the BRICS countries is essential to furthering this cooperation. This event will aim at furthering a better understanding of the existing good practices in order to promote intra-BRICS cooperation on data-related policies and technology development.

Join us for the event ‘Data Architectures in the BRICS Countries’, co-hosted with the CyberBRICS Project at FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro, which will create a space for the exchange of information about the evolving data architectures in the BRICS countries. One expert from each of the BRICS nations will share the domestic legal developments on data governance and any technical or process innovations involving the use of data. This will be followed by a Q&A session.


Luca Belli, CyberBRICS Director (professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at FGV Law School)

Danilo Doneda, CyberBRICS Associated Scholar (member of the National Data Protection and Privacy Council of Brazil)

Smriti Parsheera, CyberBRICS Fellow (member of the National Data Protection and Privacy Council of Brazil)

Wei Wang, CyberBRICS Fellow (PhD Candidate at University of Hong Kong)

Sizwe Snail Ka Mtuze, CyberBRICS Advisory Board (Snail Attorneys at Law)

Anna Churshina (Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe)

To submit a question for the event, please email Participants may also submit their questions through the Q&A box in the Zoom webinar or through the comments section of our YouTube livestream.