Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS Countries

May 14th | 10h – 12h (BRT)

This upcoming webinar will bring together guest speakers and CyberBRICS scholars and fellows to debate the most recent developments in Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. If you’d like to check out past CyberBRICS webinarstake a look at our YouTube channel.

The special guests opening the event will be Mr Bruno Ramos, Director for the Americas Regional Office of the International Telecommunication Union and CyberBRICS Advisory Board member; Mr Colm Murphy, Huawei’s Senior Cybersecurity Advisor; Dr Lucienne Abrahams, Director of the Learning, Information, Networking, Knowledge Centre at Wits University; and Prof Sizwe Snail, Commissioner at the Information Regulator of South Africa and CyberBRICS Advisory Board member.

CyberBRICS fellows Dr Senka HadzicMr Wei WangMs Smriti ParsheeraDr Larissa Magalhães and Ms Anya Orlova will provide updates on BRICS digital policies. The debate will be moderated by Prof Luca Belli, Head of the Center for Technology and Society at FGV and CyberBRICS Director.

Watch the full session recording: