Twenty-first Edition Of The CyberBRICS Observatory Bulletin

Publications – New Data Architectures In Brazil, China, And India: From Copycats To Innovators, Towards A Post-Western Model Of Data Governance Paper by CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli, published at the Indian Journal of Law and Technology. Artigo de autoria de Luca Belli (Diretor do CyberBRICS), publicado no Indian Journal of Law and Technology. – Searching … Read more

Webinar: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: understanding Global Developments

The technologies we use daily, and we are adopting to foster “digital transformation” can be misused for highly unethical purposes and can present considerable vulnerabilities threatening cybersecurity. This webinar explores recent cybersecurity and cybercrime developments, to understand how existing initiatives can help coping with cyberthreats. Panellists discussed: • How can technology be misused to threaten … Read more

BRICS-plus Digital Competition Forum

The 1st BRICS+ Digital Competition Forum took place in Rio de Janeiro, on 24 and 25 November 2022. The Forum brought together the BRICS Digital Working Group, which held its 6th meeting, while opening an opportunity of participation for competition authorities of BRICS candidate countries (Argentina, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) and for local academics and … Read more

World Internet Conference – Wuzhen Summit 2022

The CyberBRICS Team attended the 2022 edition of the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit (WIC Wuzhen). This year, besides participating in two sessions, our team will also publish two papers in the Conference’s Outcome Report. On Wednesday, November 9, CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli attended the “Bridging the Digital Divide” Forum, organized by the China Federation … Read more

MyData Online 2022 Conference – Data Governance from the Global South

Exchange of knowledge about developments relating to data architectures in the BRICS countries is essential to furthering this cooperation. This session is organised by the Center for Technology and Society at FGV and the CyberBRICS Project at FGV Law School, to create a space for the exchange of information about the evolving data governance models … Read more

Governing Conversations: Interoperability

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

Regulación E IA

 On August 30th, 2022, CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli participated as a speaker in the webinar “Regulación en IA” (Regulation in AI), organized by the Latin American Initiative on Open Data (ILDA). Presenting the Brazilian approach, Belli pointed out that AI is being used not only for e-commerce, but also for facial recognition technologies and access … Read more

Data Governance in the Context of Emerging Technologies: Promoting Human-Centred and Development-Oriented Societies

The importance of data is paramount, not only for promoting innovation, but also for better policymaking and long-term development. Data has become a cornerstone for the digital economy and a strategic asset for promoting the vision of a people-centred and development-oriented ecosystem, set forth by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). In particular, data availability and … Read more

Governing Conversations: BRICS & Cybersecurity

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

Governing Conversations: Cybersecurity in the Global South

Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, … Read more

CPDP LatAm 2022

CPDP LatAm 2022 was dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection in Latin America“. In its second edition, the Conference was held in a hybrid format on 12 and 13 of July, at FGV in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. You can check the full Programme here. CPDP Latam is the Latin American platform to discuss privacy, data … Read more

Cybersecurity Policymaking in the BRICS Countries: From Addressing National Priorities to Seeking International Cooperation

Abstract In the concluding statement of the 2021 BRICS Summit, the bloc’s five members—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—pledged to pursue enhanced cooperation on cybersecurity issues, including by “establishing legal frameworks of cooperation among BRICS” and a BRICS intergovernmental agreement on cybersecurity. This piece briefly outlines the mounting relevance of cybersecurity for the BRICS … Read more

Digital Silk Road and its role in the China-Brazil Relation

This post provides a report of the webinar “Digital Silk Road as a promoter of closer people to people ties” that took place on October 22 as part of the 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue. Sofia Chang, CyberBRICS researcher at CTS-FGV, moderated the session, joined by Fred Arruda (C.E.S.A.R. institute), Shen Yi (Fudan University), Lin Baihe (China Mobile International Brazil) and In Hsieh (Chinnovation).

4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”

From 18 to 22 October, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School will host its 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”. The event will aim at deepening the discussions on the New Silk Road and mapping the relations between China and Brazil. The event will count with the participation … Read more

The Role of Think Tanks in the Digital Era: The CyberBRICS Example

Below the transcripts of Prof Luca Belli’s intervention at the International High-level Think Tank Forum of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen Summit. Good morning to all participants and organisers and many thanksfor having invited me to be a speaker at this important session of the World Internet Conference 2021. It is a great honour for … Read more

Cybersecurity Convergence in the BRICS Countries

By Luca Belli The thirteenth BRICS Summit took place on 9 September 2021 and cybersecurity featured prominently amongst the priorities identified by BRICS leaders.  The BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are explicitly advocating for enhanced cooperation on cybersecurity issues, both at the international and intra-BRICS level. The facility with which cooperation … Read more

BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Roundtable

The BRICS Data Protection and Digital Sovereignty Conference will take place on 15 July 2021, at 15h/3PM (BRT). The Summit will take place entirely online, during CPDP LatAm which is the Latin-American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference. Check the full program here. This session will discuss some of the studies submitted to the CyberBRICS call for … Read more

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS Countries

May 14th | 10h – 12h (BRT) This upcoming webinar will bring together guest speakers and CyberBRICS scholars and fellows to debate the most recent developments in Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. If you’d like to check out past CyberBRICS webinars, take a look at our YouTube channel. The … Read more

Internet Governance Forum Summary 2020

In early November, the 15th edition of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), took place entirely online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The IGF agenda was structured  around four main themes: data, environment, inclusion and trust. The CyberBRICS team members participated to the development of two outcome documents of the IGF 2020 and spoke … Read more

Data Protection in the BRICS Countries: Enhanced Cooperation and Convergence towards Legal Interoperability

By Luca Belli This paper stems from the research elaborated by CyberBRICS project, which is the first attempt to produce comparative analyses of digital policies in the BRICS countries – namely, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The project is hosted by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, Rio de Janeiro, and developed in … Read more

Russia during COVID-19: information warfare, digital passes and digital protest

By Anna Orlova and Andrey Shcherbovich Since March 2020, Russia has been suspected of information warfare, that is, proactive state propaganda and dissemination of the so-called “fake news”, in response to the coronavirus crisis. This information war aims to diminish and downplay the current state of coronavirus pandemic in Russia. Russia and China, in particular, were … Read more

Net neutrality in India: from rules to enforcement

By Smriti Parsheera Policymakers in India have acknowledged that non-discriminatory treatment of content, or, in other words, maintenance of network neutrality, constitutes an essential feature of having an open Internet. This post focuses on the development of India’s net neutrality framework, tracing the steps that have been taken so far and the questions that lie … Read more

5G e IoT: BRICS precisam de cooperação em cibersegurança

Por Luca Belli, Coordenador do Projeto CyberBRICS Texto publicado originalmente no dia 9 de setembro, 2019 no portal Convergência Digital. Os ministros da ciência, tecnologia e telecomunicações do BRICS acabam de destacar, numa Declaração conjunta, o interesse estratégico e o caráter prioritário de parcerias sobre as novas infraestruturas digitais, as tecnologias 5G, a Internet das Coisas … Read more

Seminário CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

No dia 04/06 realizamos o evento “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. O evento buscou promover respostas aos desafios relacionados à regulamentação de dados pessoais e à governança de cibersegurança, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre as políticas digitais do BRICS, que possam ser usados por pesquisadores, reguladores e empresas. Foi possível … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies. It was … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) will host the Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS. The event aims to provide answers to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be … Read more

Проект закона об автономной работе российского сегмента Интернета принят Государственной Думой РФ в первом чтении

State Duma plenary session

Щербович Андрей Андреевич, кандидат юридических наук Государственная Дума в первом чтении проняла закон «суверенности» Интернета в России. За документ проголосовали 334 депутата, против – 47. При этом данный законопроект вызывает критику у  представителей частного сектора, гражданского общества и даже у Счетной палаты (орган парламентского контроля Российской Федерации), ведь реализация нового законопроекта может потребовать от бюджета … Read more

The Russian bill on Internet Sovereignty adopted by the State Duma in first reading

State Duma plenary session

By Dr. Andrey A. Shcherbovich (See russian version here) On 12 February 2019, the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian Federal Parliament, adopted in the first reading the draft bill on Internet “sovereignty” in Russia. 334 deputies voted in favor and 47 against the document. At the same time, representatives of the private … Read more