First EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation

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At the time of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the webinar aims at identifying areas for cooperation between the EU and Brazil, regarding digital trade and emerging technologies. Participants will explore key issues such as new digital infrastructures, 5G, cybersecurity, personal data protection, data-driven technologies, the Internet of Things and its applications, and Artificial Intelligence.

Speakers and participants will offer their perspectives on these issues and will explore areas where trade and cooperation can be strengthened in the short and medium term. Speakers will provide their critical evaluations on the measures that should be promoted and on the challenges that should be tackled to enhance cooperation on digital trade and emerging technologies.

The insights and proposals offered by speakers and participants will be consolidated and utilised to elaborate the agenda of a second webinar, to be held in May or June 2021 towards the end of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, aimed at tackling specific issues on where digital cooperation and digital trade may be fostered more straightforwardly.

Welcome and Introductory Remarks 

Goret Pereira Paulo, Director, FGV Office of Research and Innovation 

Thibaut Kleiner, Director of Strategy and Outreach, DG Connect, European Commission

Luigi Gambardella, President EUBrasil 

Luca Belli, Professor FGV Law School 

A new agenda for innovation and digital cooperation between Europe and Brazil 

Marcos Galvão, Ambassador of Brazil to the EU 

Ignacio Ybanez, Ambassador of the EU to Brazil 

Ricardo Castanheira, Digital & Technology Counselor, Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU 

Patricia Ellen Da Silva, Secretary for Economic Development, State of São Paulo

Moderator: Luigi Gambardella, President EUBrasil 

EU-Brazil: A Dialogue on Digital Trade, Emerging Technologies and Regulation 

Carlos Oliveira, Minister Counselor for Digital Market, Delegation of the European Union to Brazil 

José Manuel Fernandes, President EU Brazil Delegation of the European Parliament 

Jorge Arbache, Vice President for Private Sector at the Development Bank of Latin America 

Tais Maldonado Niffinegger, Director of International Affairs, ANATEL  

Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation and the Digital Economy, CEPS  

Luiz Moncau, Public Policy Manager, NuBank  

Emily Rees, Senior Fellow, ECIPE & Director, Trade Strategies 

Moderator: Luca Belli, Professor FGV Law School 

Wrap-up and takeaways 

Paula Soprana, Folha de São Paulo (TBC) 

Renato Flores, Director of FGV International Intelligence Unit and Professor at FGV Graduate School of Economics