Governing Conversations aims to provide scholars in the digital governance field and interested audiences alike a time for genuine reflection and critical perspectives, without the need for a connection to recent events, or academic presentations. The series is co-created by the Digital Interests Lab at NYU, and the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, and the theme of Cybersecurity is co-Sponsored by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)’s Center for Technology and Society & CyberBRICS Project. The first webinar of the series was held in July 21, 2022.
There is a need for fostering debate of cyber norms, approaches and tools beyond the Global North narratives. This panel aims to explore the perspective of Global South stakeholders. Cybersecurity is central in international cooperation in the cyber domain, however, to strengthen a coherent and inclusive transnational governance approach in this field, particular attention should be paid on the fast-changing internet geography. Given that most of internet users are now located in the Global South, it is crucial to enhance a dialogue beyond Western-centric perspectives, and empower governments, business, and civil society actors from the Global South to play a key role in this debate. By focusing mainly on low-income and middle-income-country perspectives, this panel will aim at distilling relevant teachings and policy suggestions that may be useful for all stakeholders alike, regardless of their country of origin.
Luca Belli, Coordinator, Center for Technology and Society at FGV: Director CyberBRICS
Andrea Calderaro, Director, Centre for Internet and Global Politics
Mohamed Chawki, Senior Judge, Council of State of Egypt; Chairman, International Association of Cybercrime Prevention
Vanessa Copetti Cravo, Telecommunications Regulation Specialist & Member, Cybersecurity Technical Group of the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL