Professor Luca Belli appointed member of the new Brazilian Cybersecurity Committee

On 9 February 2024 the Brazilian Presidency’s Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) appointed the members of the new National Cybersecurity Committee (CNciber), established by Presidential Decree 11.856/2023. CyberBRICS Director and CTS-FGV Coordinator, Professor Luca Belli, has been appointed as one of the members of the CNciber for a three-year mandate.

Yasmin Curzi, a professor at FGV Direito Rio and a researcher at CTS-FGV, was appointed as substitute member.    

“This appointment is extremely important. Brazil is a country in which cyberattacks have become permanent and ubiquitous. In 2022 alone, there were more than 103 billion cyberattacks, generating estimated losses of between 300 and 600 million reais, paralyzing public services and producing constant data breaches. The creation of a National Cybersecurity Committee (CNciber) is an essential step to organise the cybersecurity governance in Brazil in a more structured, democratic, and efficient way, putting individuals, education and digital sovereignty at the center of the national strategy” commented Professor Belli.

As suggested in the book on “Cybersecurity: a Systemic Vision towards a Regulatory Framework for a Digitally Sovereign Brazil”, co-authored by prof Belli and quoted by the GSI study that proposed the establishment of a National Cybersecurity policy, the creation of a multisectoral committee is a fundamental piece of a solid and participatory cybersecurity governance. This suggestion has been fully integrated in the new National Cybersecurity Policy (PNciber), which lead to the creation of the new CNciber.

The new multistakeholder body aims to monitor and shape the evolution of cybersecurity in Brazil and will be composed of representatives from fifteen government bodies including the GSI, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Brazilian Telecoms Regulator, and the Brazilian Central Bank; three scientific institutions, including CTS-FGV; three business institutions; and three civil society organizations.

The CNciber’s duties are extremely important and include proposing updates to the National Cybersecurity Policy, the National Cybersecurity Strategy, and the National Cybersecurity Plan; evaluate and propose measures to increase cybersecurity in the country; propose measures for the development of cybersecurity education; and propose collaborative strategies for the development of international technical cooperation in cybersecurity.

“If used well, CNciber represents a golden opportunity for the country’s development. Being appointed as a member of CNciber means having the possibility of being protagonists in the development of the Brazilian approach to cybersecurity. For an academic, participating in the creation of a new institution and a new area of regulation in the country is one of the greatest opportunities and one of the greatest recognitions” acknowledged Prof Belli.

Read the Presidential Decree establishing the Brazilian Cybersecurity Strategy and the Brazilian Cybersecurity Committee

Read the GSI Ordinance appointing the members of the Brazilian Cybersecurity Committee