[Event] 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS project invite to the event 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS. The meeting brings together members of the government and business sectors, researchers and experts to discuss key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of digital infrastructures, as well as deepen the debates on what are the current strategies of the BRICS countries.

5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

30 August  2019, FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro

Opening: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Infrastructures

• Antonio Porto, Vice-dean of FGV Law School 

• Andrei Petrov, Temporary Head of the Russian Diplomatic Mission in Brazil

• Xu Yuansheng, Chinese Consul for Commerce and Economy

• Sergio Suchodolski, President of Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais and CyberBRICS board member

• Luca Belli, Professor at FGV Law School and coordinator of CyberBRICS

Moderator: Goret Paulo – Directress, FGV Research Network

Strategies for New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

• Tais Niffinegger, Directress of International Relations at Brazilian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANATEL)

• João Moura, Executive President of TelComp

• Luigi Gambardella, President of EUBrasil

• Flávia Lefèvre, Board Member of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (

Moderator: Luca Belli, Professor at FGV Law School and coordinator of CyberBRICS

The Need For New Digital infrastructures in the BRICS

• Renato Flores, Director of FGV International Intelligence Unit and Professor at FGV Graduate School of Economics

• Carlos Lauria, Director, Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Huawei Technologies

• Henrique Petersen Paiva, Head of Government Affairs at Siemens

• Min Jiang, Professor at University of Charlotte & CyberBRICS fellow

Moderator: Anja Kovacs, Directress of Internet Democracy Project India & CyberBRICS fellow

The event will have simultaneous translation on both ways, from English to Portuguese, and Portuguese to English.


Sede FGV – Praia de Botafogo, 190, 12th floor.

Accessibility and other information: The entrance to Praia de Botafogo, 190 has access for wheelchair users. The Dress Code established by the Fundação Getulio Vargas that applies to all its premises prohibit the entry of anyone wearing Shorts, Bermudas or Flip-Flops . For any other question about accessibility and the event in general, please contact: +55 (21) 3799-5435

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