Webinar – 5G Regulation: Standards, Surveillance and Ideology

On Friday, November 18th, the Center for Technology and Society (CTS-FGV) and the CyberBRICS Project will host the webinar “5G Regulation: Standards, Surveillance, and Ideology” at 11 AM (Rio Time). The event will be moderated by CyberBRICS Director, Luca Belli, and will count with CTS-FGV Visiting Professor Niels ten Oever and ANATEL Telecommunications Regulation Specialist … Read more

The Role of Think Tanks in the Digital Era: The CyberBRICS Example

Below the transcripts of Prof Luca Belli’s intervention at the International High-level Think Tank Forum of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen Summit. Good morning to all participants and organisers and many thanksfor having invited me to be a speaker at this important session of the World Internet Conference 2021. It is a great honour for … Read more

[Entrevista] Leilão do 5G precisa de mais debate, diz Luca Belli

Professor Luca Belli

Não precisa haver pressa para definir logo o edital do leilão do 5G, avalia o doutor em Direito Público Luca Belli, professor de Governança e Regulação da Internet da FGV Direito Rio. Na opinião dele, não é negativo o adiamento aprovado em reunião tensa do Conselho Diretor da Anatel na quinta-feira passada, 12. Isso porque, … Read more

5G e IoT: BRICS precisam de cooperação em cibersegurança

Por Luca Belli, Coordenador do Projeto CyberBRICS Texto publicado originalmente no dia 9 de setembro, 2019 no portal Convergência Digital. Os ministros da ciência, tecnologia e telecomunicações do BRICS acabam de destacar, numa Declaração conjunta, o interesse estratégico e o caráter prioritário de parcerias sobre as novas infraestruturas digitais, as tecnologias 5G, a Internet das Coisas … Read more

[Event] 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS project invite to the event 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS. The meeting brings together members of the government and business sectors, researchers and experts to discuss key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of digital infrastructures, as well … Read more

U.S. Ban on Huawei: Superpowers’ Insecurities and Nightmares

By Min Jiang (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of Communication, UNC Charlotte | CyberBRICS Fellow What is Huawei? Since 2018, Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has been caught in the eye of the storm of U.S.-China trade war (Keane for CNet, 2019). Founded in 1987 by its current CEO Ren Zhengfei and headquartered in Shenzhen, China, Huawei, … Read more