[Event] China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS Project invite to the China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar, organized in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event will take place on Tuesday, December 10th, and will discuss Internet regulation, cybersecurity and digital markets, focusing on cooperation and synergies between Brazil and China. 

The seminar will be attended by Sheng Ronghua, Chinese Vice-Minister for Cyberspace, and Chen Te, Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Cybersecurity Studies, as well as Demi Getschko, President of the Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR ( and specialists in digital governance, such as Professor Luca Belli, head of the CyberBRICS project at CTS/FGV and Danilo Doneda, member of the Board of the National Data Protection Authority. At the end of the event, we’ll have the pre-launch of the book CyberBRICS: Mapping Cybersecurity Frameworks in the BRICS and also receive the release of the book 2019 World Internet Conference Blue Book of the Chinese Bureau of Policy and Regulations.

The event will last approximately three hours, starting at 10:00 in the hall of the 8th floor of FGV – Direito Rio, located at Praia de Botafogo, n° 190.

Registration for attending the event must be done through the link.

Sign up here to receive the pre-launch brochure of CyberBRICS: Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS.


10:00 – 10:10Opening Ceremony

10:10 – 10:25 Speech by Minister

Sheng Ronghua, Vice Minister of Cyberspace Administration of China

10:25 – 10:40Keynote Speech

Rodrigo Vianna, Director of Research and Development and International Affairs of FGV Law School

10:40 – 10:55Keynote Speech

Yang Shuzhen, Director General of Bureau of Policy and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China and President of Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies

10:55 – 11:10Keynote Speech: The Cooperation of Internet Between China and Brazil

Demi Getschko, President of Internet Network Information Center of Brazil and member of Internet Hall of Fame

11:10 – 11:25Keynote Speech: Communication and cooperation to build the cybersecurity protection governance system

Chen Te, Officers of Bureau of Cybersecurity, Cyberspace Administration of China

11:25 – 11:40Keynote Speech: Internet Governance towards CyberBRICS

Luca Belli, Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, FGV

11:40 – 11:55Keynote Speech: The new Brazilian data protection regime

Danilo Doneda, member of the Board of the new Brazilian Data Protection Agency

11:55 – 12:10 → Keynote Speech: To cooperate with each other and develop the better future for China and Brazil 

Representatives of DiDi

12:10 – 12:25 → Keynote Speech: The Crisis on New Application Scenarios for False information in Brazil

Ivana Bentes, Pro-Rector and Full Professor of ECo/UFRJ

12:25-12:40 New Book Presentation I: 2019 World Internet Conference Blue Book

Presented by officer from Bureau of Policy and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China

12:40-12:55 New Book Presentation II: Mapping CyberSecurity Frameworks in the BRICS

Presented by FGV