China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

On December 10th, FGV Law School (DIREITO RIO) and the CyberBRICS project organized the first  “China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar” in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event was attended by the Chinese Vice Minister of Cyberspace, Mr. Sheng Ronghua, and the chairman of the … Read more

Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

No dia 10 de dezembro, foi realizado na FGV Direito Rio o Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet, em parceria com a Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) e da Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). O evento, organizado no âmbito do projeto CyberBRICS, contou com a presença de importantes palestrantes, como o vice-ministro chinês de … Read more

[Event] China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS Project invite to the China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar, organized in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event will take place on Tuesday, December 10th, and will discuss Internet regulation, cybersecurity … Read more