Digital Silk Road and its role in the China-Brazil Relation

This post provides a report of the webinar “Digital Silk Road as a promoter of closer people to people ties” that took place on October 22 as part of the 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue. Sofia Chang, CyberBRICS researcher at CTS-FGV, moderated the session, joined by Fred Arruda (C.E.S.A.R. institute), Shen Yi (Fudan University), Lin Baihe (China Mobile International Brazil) and In Hsieh (Chinnovation).

4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”

From 18 to 22 October, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School will host its 4th Seminar Brazil-China Dialogue “Belt and Road & Brazil: Rules and Coordination”. The event will aim at deepening the discussions on the New Silk Road and mapping the relations between China and Brazil. The event will count with the participation … Read more

The Role of Think Tanks in the Digital Era: The CyberBRICS Example

Below the transcripts of Prof Luca Belli’s intervention at the International High-level Think Tank Forum of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen Summit. Good morning to all participants and organisers and many thanksfor having invited me to be a speaker at this important session of the World Internet Conference 2021. It is a great honour for … Read more

Cybersecurity Convergence in the BRICS Countries

By Luca Belli The thirteenth BRICS Summit took place on 9 September 2021 and cybersecurity featured prominently amongst the priorities identified by BRICS leaders.  The BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are explicitly advocating for enhanced cooperation on cybersecurity issues, both at the international and intra-BRICS level. The facility with which cooperation … Read more

Seminário On-line Sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19

No dia 21 de julho ocorreu o Seminário Webinar sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19, que contou com as participações de Luca Belli (Diretor do CyberBRICS e Professor da da FGV Direito Rio), Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski (Presidente do Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais e Membro do Board do CyberBRICS), Thomas Law (Presidente da Ibrachina), Cassio … Read more

A Brief Prehistory of China’s Social Credit System

By Min Jiang University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte & CyberBRICS Visiting Professor Abstract This article situates China’s social credit system (SCS) in a historical perspective by exploring its antecedents. The historical roots of the SCS can be found in personnel archives for officials during imperial times, the Dang’an (personnel dossier) system under Communist … Read more

China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

On December 10th, FGV Law School (DIREITO RIO) and the CyberBRICS project organized the first  “China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar” in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event was attended by the Chinese Vice Minister of Cyberspace, Mr. Sheng Ronghua, and the chairman of the … Read more

Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet

The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS' "Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS" book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book

No dia 10 de dezembro, foi realizado na FGV Direito Rio o Seminário China-Brasil de Governança da Internet, em parceria com a Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) e da Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). O evento, organizado no âmbito do projeto CyberBRICS, contou com a presença de importantes palestrantes, como o vice-ministro chinês de … Read more

Download the exclusive preview of “CyberBRICS: Mapping Cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS”

CyberBRICS: Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS Book

CyberBRICS: Mapping Cybersecuity Frameworks in the BRICS This book stems from the CyberBRICS project, which is the first initiative to develop a comparative analysis of the digital policies developed by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. BRICS have been chosen as a focus not only because their digital policies are affecting more … Read more

[Evento] Seminário Sino-Brasileiro sobre Governança na Internet

A Escola de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e o projeto CyberBRICS convidam para o seminário sino-brasileiro sobre governança na Internet, que ocorrerá na terça-feira, dia 10 de dezembro, e será organizado em parceria com a Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) e da Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). No evento serão abordados temas sobre … Read more

[Event] China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS Project invite to the China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar, organized in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event will take place on Tuesday, December 10th, and will discuss Internet regulation, cybersecurity … Read more

Reflecting on Chinese Artificial Intelligence and National Responsible Innovation

By Wei Wang This is a short piece relating to the modern history and current situation of China’s AI policies. It arises from the report co-authored with the colleagues having talked in the CUHK Law Global Governance of AI and Ethics workshop, 20-21 June 2019. But it is also a supplementary piece adding some comments … Read more

Seminário CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

No dia 04/06 realizamos o evento “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. O evento buscou promover respostas aos desafios relacionados à regulamentação de dados pessoais e à governança de cibersegurança, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre as políticas digitais do BRICS, que possam ser usados por pesquisadores, reguladores e empresas. Foi possível … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies. It was … Read more

U.S. Ban on Huawei: Superpowers’ Insecurities and Nightmares

By Min Jiang (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of Communication, UNC Charlotte | CyberBRICS Fellow What is Huawei? Since 2018, Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has been caught in the eye of the storm of U.S.-China trade war (Keane for CNet, 2019). Founded in 1987 by its current CEO Ren Zhengfei and headquartered in Shenzhen, China, Huawei, … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) will host the Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS. The event aims to provide answers to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be … Read more

3D Printing and IP Futures: What did we learn from China, India and Russia?

By Angela Daly – Chinese University of Hong Kong Additive manufacturing, better known as ‘3D printing’, is an innovative manufacturing technique which involves the creation of three-dimensional objects using a variety of methods, based on a digital design file containing a 2D blueprint for the final object. In recent years, inexpensive 3D printers using plastics … Read more

An Instant Analysis of Chinese Electronic Commerce Law

By Prof. Dr. Hong Xue* In China’s New Normal Economy, the Internet and e-commerce are the newpowerhouse of economic development. A sound legal and regulatory environment is essential for sustainable development of e-commerce. On August 31, 2018, the National People’s Congress officially approved and enacted the Electronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China … Read more