MyData Online 2022 Conference – Data Governance from the Global South

Exchange of knowledge about developments relating to data architectures in the BRICS countries is essential to furthering this cooperation. This session is organised by the Center for Technology and Society at FGV and the CyberBRICS Project at FGV Law School, to create a space for the exchange of information about the evolving data governance models in the Global South. Experts will share their insight on developments regarding data frameworks at the national and regional level, with a particular focus on data governance innovations. The case studies analysed by the speakers will focus on the new African Union Data Policy Framework, the existing convergences and innovations proposed by BRICS countries, the new Indian Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture, and the Chinese Personal Information Protection Law.


Dr Alison Gillwald, Executive Director: Research ICT Africa (CyberBRICS Advisory Board)

Dr Luca Belli, Professor at FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro (CyberBRICS Director)

Mishi Choudhary, founder of Software Freedom Law Center India,

Mr Wei Wang, Research Fellow CyberBRICS Project (CyberBRICS Fellow)

Host: Dr Nicolo Zingales, Professor, FGV Law School (CyberBRICS Associated Scholar)