The Way the Cookie Crumbles: The Future of Cookie Regulation in India
By Sohini Banerjee and KS Roshan Menon Despite their innocuous associations, internet cookies symbolise the power imbalance inherent on the internet. Moreover, they throw up significant privacy concerns that lie at the heart of our digital economy. Recently, European privacy group None of Your Business (‘NOYB’) developed a system to identify websites with unsatisfactory use … Read more
“Políticas Digitais no Brasil: Acesso à Internet, Proteção de Dados e Regulação” EBook
Organizado por Luca Belli e Bruno Ramos Este volume é o resultado de uma parceria entre a Escola de Direito da Fundação Getulio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro (FGV DIREITO RIO) e a União Internacional das Telecomunicações (UIT). As reflexões incluídas neste livro foram desenvolvidas por servidores públicos, que participaram do Curso de Políticas Digitais, … Read more
Interoperability as a tool for competition regulation
By Ian Brown Abstract This briefing paper on interoperability as a pro-competition policy tool is based on a synthesis of recent comprehensive policy reviews of digital competition in major economies, and related academic literature, focusing on areas of emerging consensus while noting important disagreements. It draws particularly on the Vestager, Furman and Stigler reviews and … Read more
Cybercrime regulation across BRICS countries
A comparative interactive platform developed by CyberBRICS.
Consumer protection across BRICS countries
A comparative interactive platform developed by CyberBRICS.