Twenty-first Edition Of The CyberBRICS Observatory Bulletin

Publications – New Data Architectures In Brazil, China, And India: From Copycats To Innovators, Towards A Post-Western Model Of Data Governance Paper by CyberBRICS Director Luca Belli, published at the Indian Journal of Law and Technology. Artigo de autoria de Luca Belli (Diretor do CyberBRICS), publicado no Indian Journal of Law and Technology. – Searching … Read more

Application of LGPD to small-sized processing agents: Non-official translation of the ANPD regulation

This is a non-official translation of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority’s regulation regarding small-sized processing agents by the CTS-FGV team – translated by Eduardo Mattos, Walter B. Gaspar, Yasmin Curzi and Luca Belli. The original text in Portuguese, alongside more information, can be found at the Brazilian Data Protection Authority’s website.

LGPD regulation for small agents: highlights, advances and future paths

By Luca Belli, Nicolo Zingales, Erica Bakonyi, Yasmin Curzi and Walter B. Gaspar In August 2021, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) started a public consultation for a proposal to regulate the application of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) to small and medium-sized companies and start-ups. In addition to being an important initiative for … Read more

Legal Status of Privacy Rights in India – A Comprehensive Analysis of Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019

By Bhavna Sarma, Research Scholar at RML National Law University, Lucknow, India and CyberBRICS Associated Scholar INTRODUCTION Internationally, the right to privacy is well recognised as a fundamental right. Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to privacy and it states that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference … Read more

The Role of Think Tanks in the Digital Era: The CyberBRICS Example

Below the transcripts of Prof Luca Belli’s intervention at the International High-level Think Tank Forum of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen Summit. Good morning to all participants and organisers and many thanksfor having invited me to be a speaker at this important session of the World Internet Conference 2021. It is a great honour for … Read more

Cybersecurity Convergence in the BRICS Countries

By Luca Belli The thirteenth BRICS Summit took place on 9 September 2021 and cybersecurity featured prominently amongst the priorities identified by BRICS leaders.  The BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are explicitly advocating for enhanced cooperation on cybersecurity issues, both at the international and intra-BRICS level. The facility with which cooperation … Read more

“Políticas Digitais no Brasil: Acesso à Internet, Proteção de Dados e Regulação” EBook

Organizado por Luca Belli e Bruno Ramos Este volume é o resultado de uma parceria entre a Escola de Direito da Fundação Getulio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro (FGV DIREITO RIO) e a União Internacional das Telecomunicações (UIT). As reflexões incluídas neste livro foram desenvolvidas por servidores públicos, que participaram do Curso de Políticas Digitais, … Read more

Legal Intersections between the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPIA) and the Cyber Crimes Act 19 of 2020

By Sizwe Snail The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) describes new ways in which we introduce and use technology into our societies (e.g. the use of cyber systems, artificial intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology). The increased internet activity on social networks, e-governance and commercial services, and the Internet of Things (IOT) has amplified the vulnerability of both … Read more

The right to be forgotten is not compatible with the Brazilian Constitution. Or is it?

By Luca Belli The Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, or “STF” in its Brazilian acronym, recently took a landmark decision concerning the right to be forgotten (RTBF), finding that it is incompatible with the Brazilian Constitution. This attracted international attention to Brazil for a topic quite distant than the sadly frequent environmental, health, and political crises. … Read more

Data Protection in the BRICS Countries: Enhanced Cooperation and Convergence towards Legal Interoperability

By Luca Belli This paper stems from the research elaborated by CyberBRICS project, which is the first attempt to produce comparative analyses of digital policies in the BRICS countries – namely, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The project is hosted by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, Rio de Janeiro, and developed in … Read more

Brazilian Data Protection under Covid-19: Legal Certainty is the Main Casualty

By Luca Belli and Nicolo Zingales On 14 August 2018, Brazil adopted its new General Data Protection Law, n° 13.709/2018, better known under its Portuguese acronym “LGPD” (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais). Hailed as a legislative milestone for Brazil, the law was predestined to stir controversy since its approval. The very ample margin for … Read more

Da forma à substância no direito à proteção de dados pessoais, parte II

Por Walter Britto Gaspar MyData e sistemas centrados no usuário: o fundamento jurídico O MyData é um movimento baseado no ideal de um sistema de intermediação de dados pessoais centrado no usuário. Ser centrado no usuário significa abordar as relações entre o titular dos dados e terceiros sob uma perspectiva de administração do consentimento centrada no ser … Read more

This privacy law needs public debate

By Amba Kak,​ lawyer and policy advisor at Mozilla, and CyberBRICS Associated Scholar. Associated Scholar This article was originally ​published​ in the print edition of the Times of India on July 30, 2019. The inaugural Parliament session of the government’s second term began with IT Minister RS Prasad proclaiming passing a data protection law as a … Read more

In South Africa, Privacy and POPI are stress-tested by CCTV and elections

In South Africa, Privacy and POPI are stress-tested by CCTV and elections

By Sagwadi Mabunda, Frej Thorgren & Jonatan Jakobsson As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) celebrates its first anniversary, it is fitting to consider some issues concerning data protection and privacy. This post will consider privacy in the context of the South African Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) and the issues … Read more

Seminário CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

No dia 04/06 realizamos o evento “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. O evento buscou promover respostas aos desafios relacionados à regulamentação de dados pessoais e à governança de cibersegurança, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre as políticas digitais do BRICS, que possam ser usados por pesquisadores, reguladores e empresas. Foi possível … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies. It was … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) will host the Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS. The event aims to provide answers to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be … Read more

Smart cities, personal data and citizens’ rights in Brazil

By Danilo Doneda and Diego Machado (See portuguese version here) Among the various conceptual propositions of smart cities, it becomes increasingly clear that the city “smartness” is not limited to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for data processing. Broadly speaking, the use of data technologies is the first aspect for the smartness … Read more

Information rights in a data age: insights from the International Conference of Information Commissioners #ICIC2019

By Anri van der Spuy & Alison Gillwald On the plane back from the recent International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC), an inflight magazine proudly presents an advertisement for the African Union’s common, electronic, biometric passport. While the passport is reportedly being developed to ‘facilitate free movement of persons across Africa’,[i] the advert neglects to … Read more

A emergente estrutura brasileira de proteção de dados

Por Daniel Oppermann Segundo estatísticas do IBGE, cerca de 70% da população brasileira a partir de 10 anos de idade está usando a Internet. Estes 181 milhões de pessoas não estão somente comunicando, trabalhando, estudando, comprando e especialmente se divertindo no ambiente online. Eles também estão deixando dados pessoais, como número de telefone,  imagens e … Read more

The Emerging Brazilian Data Protection Framework

By Daniel Oppermann According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics or IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), about 70% of Brazilians (starting at the age of 10) are currently using the Internet at least once every three months. These 181 million individuals are not just communicating, working, studying trading and entertaining themselves … Read more