Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies.

It was possible to have a broad view of the current legislative scenario of the countries and the speakers were able to critically analyze the development of digital policies of their respective regions. “The discussions were fruitful and it was possible to strengthen relationships with members of various sectors of government and academia, which could result in future partnerships and contributions over the coming years under the CyberBRICS project. In addition, the feedback from the audience and the speakers was very positive”, said CyberBRICS coordinator Luca Belli.

Among the main topics of the event, it can be highlighted the new laws recently adopted by the BRICS in the digital field, the US-China conflict materialized in the ban of Huawei by the US government and the measures and positions of the Brazilian agencies in relation to the BRICS countries.

Check out the event videos:

Opening | Digital Policy Panorama in the BRICS

•  Sergio Guerra, Director of FGV Direito Rio

•  Bruno Ramos, Director of the Americas Office of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and CyberBRICS board member

•  Liliya Rizvanova, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Russia in Brazil

•  Luca Belli, Professor at FGV Law School and coordinator of CyberBRICS

Moderator: Goret Paulo – Directress, FGV Research Network

CyberBRICS: Digital Policy Evolutions in the BRICS

•  Daniel Oppermann, Researcher at University of São Paulo & CyberBRICS fellow

•  Min Jiang, Professor at University of North Carolina, Charlotte, & CyberBRICS fellow

•  Anja Kovacs, Directress of Internet Democracy Project India & CyberBRICS fellow

•  Andrey Shcherbovich, Professor at Higher School of Economics Moscow & CyberBRICS fellow

•  Sagwadi Mabunda, Researcher at University of Western Cape & CyberBRICS fellow

Moderator: Luca Belli, Professor at FGV Law School and coordinator of CyberBRICS

Digital Strategies towards the BRICS Summit

Keynote remarks: Ian Brown, CyberBRICS Visiting Professor and former Principal Scientific Officer at the UK government’s Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport

•  Jeferson Fued Nacif, Cybersecurity Advisor at Institutional Security Cabinet – GSI/PR (Brazilian President’s Office)

•  Miriam Wimmer, Directress of Digital Transformation at MCTIC (Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology)

•  Patricia Sakowski, Deputy Chief Economist at CADE (Brazilian Antitrust Regulator)

•  Nilo Pasquali, Superintendent at ANATEL (Brazilian Telecoms Regulator)

Moderator: Evandro Carvalho, Professor at FGV Law School and CyberBRICS board member

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