WhatsApp’s New Rules: Time to Recognize the Real Cost of “Free” Apps

By Luca Belli and Nicolo Zingales Recently, WhatsApp pushed an in-app notification requesting users to accept its new privacy policy by February 8, 2021. Before publicly changing its position and postponing the deadline to May 15 in reaction to public backlash, the company announced that anyone who did not accept the new rules would have … Read more

Net neutrality in India: ensuring openness amidst the crisis

By Smriti Parsheera In the previous post we traced India’s journey down the net neutrality road, starting from the framing of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)’s discriminatory tariff regulation in 2016 to the present debate on creation of an advisory multi-stakeholder body. Our focus here is to discuss the ways in India’s net neutrality rules … Read more

Net neutrality in India: from rules to enforcement

By Smriti Parsheera Policymakers in India have acknowledged that non-discriminatory treatment of content, or, in other words, maintenance of network neutrality, constitutes an essential feature of having an open Internet. This post focuses on the development of India’s net neutrality framework, tracing the steps that have been taken so far and the questions that lie … Read more

COVID-19 Makes Internet Access and Openness an Absolute Priority

By Luca Belli The COVID-19 pandemic has harshly highlighted the fundamental importance of Internet access, and the total exclusion that the unconnected face in times of crises. For some of us, our new routine comprises of e-learning, telemedicine, online meetings, and using e-commerce and delivery apps for our essentials. This is only possible if we … Read more