On December 10th, FGV Law School (DIREITO RIO) and the CyberBRICS project organized the first “China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar” in partnership with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies (CACS). The event was attended by the Chinese Vice Minister of Cyberspace, Mr. Sheng Ronghua, and the chairman of the Chinese Academy of Cybersecurity Studies, Mr. Yang Shuzhen, in addition to other specialists in Internet governance and digital policy, such as Professor Luca Belli from FGV Direito Rio.
The Chinese delegation alongside Brazilian researchers and CyberBRICS members. The event received the pre-launch of CyberBRICS’ “Mapping cybersecurity frameworks in the BRICS” book as well as the Chinese Internet Governance Blue Book 99/DiDi was represented in the event and talked about data-intensive businesses Prof. Danilo Doneda presented on the Brazilian data protection regulation and strucutre Participants converse during coffee break CyberBRICS’ director, Luca Belli, gives a copy of the book to a chinese representative Mr. Demi Getschko talked about the internet connectivity governance and structures in Brazil
The seminar discussed several Internet governance and regulation issues, such as the implementation of the General Data Protection Law in Brazil, which was addressed at the event by Professor Danilo Doneda, a member of the National Council for Personal Data Protection. In addition, the president of Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR (NIC.br), Demi Getschko, presented an overview of the Brazilian multistakeholder model of Internet governance.
Speakers have repeatedly stressed the importance of Chinese-Brazilian cooperation in developing mechanisms able to promote shared understanding and compatible regulations for a safe and open Internet for all users. As the Vice Minister of Cyberspace, Mr. Sheng Ronghua emphasized: “We hope Brazil and China can cooperate to use their intellectual potential to develop together new technologies such as 5G. (…) The two countries should encourage the use of the Internet to expand their cultural connection and educational exchanges. ” The event featured the pre-launch of the book CyberBRICS: Mapping Cybersecurity Frameworks in the BRICS, a research outcome of the CyberBRICS Project. The book “is an essential step to understand digital policies in the BRICS and work towards their compatibility” as stressed by Professor Luca Belli, who is a co-author and coordinated the publication. The China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar ended with the presentation of the first edition of the Blue Book of the 2019 World Internet Conference, elaborated by Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies, officially launched at the 2019 Wuzhen Summit.
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