Russia during COVID-19: information warfare, digital passes and digital protest

By Anna Orlova and Andrey Shcherbovich Since March 2020, Russia has been suspected of information warfare, that is, proactive state propaganda and dissemination of the so-called “fake news”, in response to the coronavirus crisis. This information war aims to diminish and downplay the current state of coronavirus pandemic in Russia. Russia and China, in particular, were … Read more

COVID-19 Makes Internet Access and Openness an Absolute Priority

By Luca Belli The COVID-19 pandemic has harshly highlighted the fundamental importance of Internet access, and the total exclusion that the unconnected face in times of crises. For some of us, our new routine comprises of e-learning, telemedicine, online meetings, and using e-commerce and delivery apps for our essentials. This is only possible if we … Read more

A Covid-19 torna o acesso à Internet um direito fundamental

Por Luca Belli Exclusão social para os desconectados e conjuntura perfeita de fake news para os parcialmente conectados. Teletrabalho em home office, aulas online, entregas por meio de aplicativos, notícias e diversões em streaming. Por causa da pandemia de Covid-19, essa se tornou nossa nova rotina. Sob a condição de se ter acesso à Internet. … Read more

CyberBRICS: Building the Next Generation Internet, STEP by Step

The 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place between 18 and 21 December 2017 at the United Nations Office at Geneva

This workshop of the UN Internet Governance Forum 2017 was the inception meeting of the CyberBRICS project, gathering key stakeholders, including representatives of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Telecommunications, to discuss digital policy trends and priorities in the BRICS. Data protection and cybersecurity, which are the current focus of … Read more