Resumo do CyberBRICS no Internet Governance Forum 2020

A 15ª edição do Encontro Anual do Internet Governance Forum, organizado pela ONU, teve seu início na última semana. Por conta da pandemia de COVID-19, o evento está ocorrendo de forma totalmente on-line, desenvolvendo-se em torno de quatro nichos principais: dados, meio ambiente, inclusão e confiança. Os pré-eventos do IGF 2020, incluindo sessões para iniciantes, … Read more

Internet Governance Forum Summary 2020

In early November, the 15th edition of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), took place entirely online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The IGF agenda was structured  around four main themes: data, environment, inclusion and trust. The CyberBRICS team members participated to the development of two outcome documents of the IGF 2020 and spoke … Read more

South African use of technology during COVID-19

By Varsha Sewlal Introduction The scale of the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need to act expediently to contain the spread of the virus. Most governments have resorted to utilising technology driven solutions such as location tools on android and smart phones, cell phone tower signals, global position systems, Wi-Fi signals and Bluetooth technology. Contact … Read more

Brazilian Data Protection under Covid-19: Legal Certainty is the Main Casualty

By Luca Belli and Nicolo Zingales On 14 August 2018, Brazil adopted its new General Data Protection Law, n° 13.709/2018, better known under its Portuguese acronym “LGPD” (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais). Hailed as a legislative milestone for Brazil, the law was predestined to stir controversy since its approval. The very ample margin for … Read more

Seminário On-line Sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19

No dia 21 de julho ocorreu o Seminário Webinar sobre Cooperação Internacional Contra Covid-19, que contou com as participações de Luca Belli (Diretor do CyberBRICS e Professor da da FGV Direito Rio), Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski (Presidente do Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais e Membro do Board do CyberBRICS), Thomas Law (Presidente da Ibrachina), Cassio … Read more