Why should we care about takedown timeframes?

Why should we care about takedown timeframes?

By Torsha Sarkar (CyberBRICS Associated Scholar) Introduction Since the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) proposed the draft amendments to the intermediary liability guidelines in December of 2018, speculations regarding their potential effects have been numerous. These have included, mapping the  requirement of traceability of originators vis-a-vis chilling effect on free speech online, or … Read more

Antitrust and Restrictions on Privacy in the Digital Economy

ntitrust and Restrictions on Privacy in the Digital Economy

By Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos (CyberBRICS Associated Scholar) Abstract We present a model of a market failure based on a requirement provision by digital platforms in the acquisition of personal information from users of other products/services. We establish the economic harm from the market failure and the requirement using traditional antitrust methodology. Eliminating the … Read more

Digital Era Competition BRICS Report

Coordinated by Ioannis Lianos and Alexey Ivanov, with contributions by Nicolo Zingales We are happy to present the Draft BRICS academic report on Digital Era Competition Law: A BRICS Perspective. The report engages with one of the most crucial questions of our time, the public governance of the digital economy, in particular focusing on the … Read more

Personal Data in India: anonymise and forget

By Sohini Chatterjee Recent developments have indicated the government’s plan to intensify existing efforts towards an open data ecosystem. Most recently, the Economic Survey 2018-19 has considered the establishment of a central welfare database of citizens to integrate fragmented data about all Indians. For example, such a database may consolidate a citizen’s land title records, … Read more

5G e IoT: BRICS precisam de cooperação em cibersegurança

Por Luca Belli, Coordenador do Projeto CyberBRICS Texto publicado originalmente no dia 9 de setembro, 2019 no portal Convergência Digital. Os ministros da ciência, tecnologia e telecomunicações do BRICS acabam de destacar, numa Declaração conjunta, o interesse estratégico e o caráter prioritário de parcerias sobre as novas infraestruturas digitais, as tecnologias 5G, a Internet das Coisas … Read more

[Event] 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) and CyberBRICS project invite to the event 5G and New Digital Infrastructures in the BRICS. The meeting brings together members of the government and business sectors, researchers and experts to discuss key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of digital infrastructures, as well … Read more

This privacy law needs public debate

By Amba Kak,​ lawyer and policy advisor at Mozilla, and CyberBRICS Associated Scholar. Associated Scholar This article was originally ​published​ in the print edition of the Times of India on July 30, 2019. The inaugural Parliament session of the government’s second term began with IT Minister RS Prasad proclaiming passing a data protection law as a … Read more

Rethinking the intermediary liability regime in India

By Torsha Sarkar, Policy Officer, Centre for Internet and Society, and CyberBRICS Associated Scholar The author would like to thank Elonnai Hickok and Arindrajit Basu for their feedback. Introduction In December 2018, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (“MeitY”) released the Intermediary Liability Guidelines (Amendment) Rules (“the Guidelines”), which would be significantly altering the … Read more

What is the problem with ‘Ethical AI’? An Indian Perspective

By Arindrajit Basu & Pranav MB, lawyers and researchers at the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) and CyberBRICS Associated Scholars On 22 May 2019, the OECD member countries adopted the OECD Council Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence. The Principles, meant to provide an “ethical framework” for governing Artificial Intelligence (AI), were the first set of … Read more

4IR in SA is too important to remain the domain of the elite

By Alison Gillwald (PhD), Executive Director, Research ICT Africa, CyberBRICS Board Member & Adjunct Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance This opinion piece was first published on on Business Day Live on the 4th of July 2019. Since Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum’s announcement in 2016 of the impending Fourth Industrial … Read more

In South Africa, Privacy and POPI are stress-tested by CCTV and elections

In South Africa, Privacy and POPI are stress-tested by CCTV and elections

By Sagwadi Mabunda, Frej Thorgren & Jonatan Jakobsson As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) celebrates its first anniversary, it is fitting to consider some issues concerning data protection and privacy. This post will consider privacy in the context of the South African Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) and the issues … Read more

Seminário CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

No dia 04/06 realizamos o evento “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. O evento buscou promover respostas aos desafios relacionados à regulamentação de dados pessoais e à governança de cibersegurança, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre as políticas digitais do BRICS, que possam ser usados por pesquisadores, reguladores e empresas. Foi possível … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

On June 4, 2019 we held the event “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, Data Protection and The Digital Future of The BRICS”. The event sought to promote responses to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be used by researchers, regulators and companies. It was … Read more

U.S. Ban on Huawei: Superpowers’ Insecurities and Nightmares

By Min Jiang (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of Communication, UNC Charlotte | CyberBRICS Fellow What is Huawei? Since 2018, Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has been caught in the eye of the storm of U.S.-China trade war (Keane for CNet, 2019). Founded in 1987 by its current CEO Ren Zhengfei and headquartered in Shenzhen, China, Huawei, … Read more

Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS

Seminar CyberBRICS

The Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (DIREITO RIO) will host the Seminar CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity, data protection and the digital future of the BRICS. The event aims to provide answers to the challenges related to personal data regulation and cybersecurity governance by providing valuable insights into BRICS digital policies that can be … Read more

Smart cities, personal data and citizens’ rights in Brazil

By Danilo Doneda and Diego Machado (See portuguese version here) Among the various conceptual propositions of smart cities, it becomes increasingly clear that the city “smartness” is not limited to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for data processing. Broadly speaking, the use of data technologies is the first aspect for the smartness … Read more

Cidades inteligentes, dados pessoais e direitos dos cidadãos no Brasil

Por Danilo Doneda e Diego Machado (Versão em inglês aqui) Dentre as diversas proposições conceituais de cidades inteligentes (smart cities), percebe-se que a “inteligência” (smartness) não se resume ao uso e aplicações de tecnologias da informação e da comunicação para tratamento de dados. Há quem entenda, de forma mais ampla, que o uso das tecnologias … Read more

Sovereign Internet Law signed by the President of Russia

By Dr. Andrey Shcherbovich, CyberBRICS fellow and Simon Granberg and Angelo de Carvalho Gomes, FGV students (See russian version here) On 1 May 2019, the Russian President signed the “digital sovereignty law”, which has the purpose to establish autonomous Internet control systems and thereby create the possibility to separate a Russian intranet from the global Internet. … Read more

Закон о «суверенном Интернете» подписан Президентом России

Андрей Щербович, Щербович Андрей Андреевич , исследователь CyberBRICS, Саймон Гранберг и Анжело де Карвальо Гомес, студенты FGV 1 мая 2019 года президент России подписал Закон о «суверенном Интернете», целью которого является создание автономных систем управления Интернетом и тем самым возможное создание отдельной внутренней сети, изолированной от глобальной сети Интернет. Закон вызвал негативный общественный резонанс, так, … Read more

3D Printing and IP Futures: What did we learn from China, India and Russia?

By Angela Daly – Chinese University of Hong Kong Additive manufacturing, better known as ‘3D printing’, is an innovative manufacturing technique which involves the creation of three-dimensional objects using a variety of methods, based on a digital design file containing a 2D blueprint for the final object. In recent years, inexpensive 3D printers using plastics … Read more

Exploring the New Russian Measures against “Fake News” and Online Insults

By Dr. Andrey A. Shcherbovich (See russian version here) Two high-impact laws in the sphere of regulating relations on the Internet were signed by the President of Russia on March 18: the law on “Fake News” and the one on the Inadmissibility of Insulting Authorities Online. On March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed amendments … Read more

Россия принимает новые меры против “фейковых новостей” и онлайн-оскорблений

Щербович Андрей Андреевич, кандидат юридических наук Два резонансных закона в сфере регулирования отношений в Интернете подписаны Президентом России 18 марта: закон о “фейковых новостях” и о запрете оскорбления власти в Интернете. 18 марта Президент России Владимир Путин подписал изменения в ряд законов, под угрозой административного наказания запрещающие распространение в Интернете информации, подрывающей престиж власти, а … Read more

An Instant Analysis of Chinese Electronic Commerce Law

By Prof. Dr. Hong Xue* In China’s New Normal Economy, the Internet and e-commerce are the newpowerhouse of economic development. A sound legal and regulatory environment is essential for sustainable development of e-commerce. On August 31, 2018, the National People’s Congress officially approved and enacted the Electronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China … Read more

Unpacking policy moves for sovereign control of data in India

By Arindrajit Basu, Elonnai Hickok and Aditya Singh Chawla In a new White Paper, researchers from CyberBRICS partner CIS-India explore the issue of Data Sovereignty, mapping the current Indian policy measures for data localization and reflecting on the goals, challenges and implications of such measures. The CIS White Paper on “The Localisation Gambit: Unpacking policy … Read more

Information rights in a data age: insights from the International Conference of Information Commissioners #ICIC2019

By Anri van der Spuy & Alison Gillwald On the plane back from the recent International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC), an inflight magazine proudly presents an advertisement for the African Union’s common, electronic, biometric passport. While the passport is reportedly being developed to ‘facilitate free movement of persons across Africa’,[i] the advert neglects to … Read more

A emergente estrutura brasileira de proteção de dados

Por Daniel Oppermann Segundo estatísticas do IBGE, cerca de 70% da população brasileira a partir de 10 anos de idade está usando a Internet. Estes 181 milhões de pessoas não estão somente comunicando, trabalhando, estudando, comprando e especialmente se divertindo no ambiente online. Eles também estão deixando dados pessoais, como número de telefone,  imagens e … Read more

The Emerging Brazilian Data Protection Framework

By Daniel Oppermann According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics or IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), about 70% of Brazilians (starting at the age of 10) are currently using the Internet at least once every three months. These 181 million individuals are not just communicating, working, studying trading and entertaining themselves … Read more

Проект закона об автономной работе российского сегмента Интернета принят Государственной Думой РФ в первом чтении

State Duma plenary session

Щербович Андрей Андреевич, кандидат юридических наук Государственная Дума в первом чтении проняла закон «суверенности» Интернета в России. За документ проголосовали 334 депутата, против – 47. При этом данный законопроект вызывает критику у  представителей частного сектора, гражданского общества и даже у Счетной палаты (орган парламентского контроля Российской Федерации), ведь реализация нового законопроекта может потребовать от бюджета … Read more

The Russian bill on Internet Sovereignty adopted by the State Duma in first reading

State Duma plenary session

By Dr. Andrey A. Shcherbovich (See russian version here) On 12 February 2019, the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian Federal Parliament, adopted in the first reading the draft bill on Internet “sovereignty” in Russia. 334 deputies voted in favor and 47 against the document. At the same time, representatives of the private … Read more